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About the HLA


The Healthcare Leadership Academy is nearing its first decade, having been formed to provide Healthcare Professionals from across the globe with a space and organisation to support them on their leadership journeys.


The HLA houses an exciting faculty from across the health sector and beyond. our shared aim is to inspire and nurture the next generation of healthcare leaders. Through a combination of mentoring, Socratic discussion, and philosophical exploration, the HLA aims to inspire our scholars to change the world of healthcare, one small step at a time.


At a time when the world seems an ever more worrying place, it is important that the next generation of healthcare professionals truly understand how to motivate the people they work with in order to best look after the populations they serve.



The HLA is run by a team of volunteers from a huge array of backgrounds and specialities. They are here to mentor and help our scholars, as well as run sessions during the cohort contact days.


Our Aims 


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Empowering and Valuing the Next Generation of Clinical Leaders


Supporting our clinicians to use their talent effectively.

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Nurturing Leadership


Working with healthcare students and professionals to develop our healthcare leaders of the future.

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Fostering Frontline Innovation


Engaging, developing and guiding clinicians to deliver innovative solutions.

Our Values


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We value accessibility and equity and believe all healthcare students and professionals should have the means to learn about and engage in leadership activities; at any level and at any time.

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We believe inclusivity is key to leadership. Leadership should not be the arena of a chosen few but of all those with innovative visions, ideas and solutions.

Our current 2024-25 scholarship programme involves:

63 Scholars from across the globe


7 Cohorts


1 Academy


Digital World Map

Funding, Resources and Declarations of Interest

The Healthcare Leadership Academy was founded by Johann Malawana, initial small amounts of seed funding for set up costs were provided by Johann Malawana as a donation.


The website was initially built by Steven Bishop and Ali Jawad, was maintained by Medics.Academy, and has been updated in 2021 by Zac and Alex.


All faculty members and speakers donate their time for free with no remuneration.


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Thank you to: Touch Surgery



Touch Surgery generously hosted the HLA for free in their London Touch Surgery Labs. We continue to be grateful to all the Touch Surgery team, particularly Stacey Hole. Touch Surgery also sponsored the first HLA event at the House of Lords by providing £500 for the catering of the event.


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Thank you to: Medics.Academy



Medics.Academy continue to donate film crews, staff time, design and engineering resources, studio resources and meeting space for the HLA and the scholars to use.


The Healthcare Leadership Academy is a CIC registered social enterprise. Any donations or income generated is reinvested in promoting leadership in healthcare. This is primarily through supporting the scholars on the flagship annual course.


Each year The HLA provides over £250,000 of bursaries to students and clinicians through its flagship scholars programmes. This is funded through grants, commissions, sponsorship, events and through paid for courses. Over £125,000 of this funded by Medics.Academy through a grant.


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Scholars do not pay to undertake the programme. The programme leads to ILM7 qualifications with resulting recognition from the Institute of Leadership and Management. It is the responsibility of the individual scholar to fund their annual subscription to maintain their ability to use the postnominals and to retain access to the training and CPD materials provided by both The HLA and ILM.


The scholars fund their own travel in two exceptions.

The Norwegian Medical Association sponsored (by paying the travel costs) 1 scholar to attend the first cohort, and sponsored 2 scholars to attend the second cohort.

The Association of Surgeons in Training (ASiT) sponsor 1 scholars’ travel expenses in the second cohort.

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